The company’s Quality Policy is focused on the pursuit of customer and stakeholder satisfaction, trust and loyalty, and full compliance with mandatory regulations/legislation. Takes into account the internal and external context on which it operates, tracking its progress and drawing from it to define objectives and risks in the execution of processes.
To achieve this, the organization must be committed to the achievement and maintenance of specific goals that, taken together, must determine the achievement of the overall quality strategy.
In this context, it should be considered as a fundamental means of guiding Botter Elettrotecnica S.r.l. to the improvement of its performance.
To make this possible, the quality policy specifically addresses the business and non-business aspects necessary to ensure its success, namely:
– to all Business Processes for which the types and levels of future improvement should be defined, identifying their risks, opportunities and suitable indicators for their management;
– to Customer Satisfaction, stakeholders, defining the expected level and actions to be taken to achieve it;
– to the Company’s Personnel, who, feeling part of a team striving for business success, must find the most appropriate atmosphere and stimuli for their development, security and fulfillment;
– to the expectations of the Ownership in relation to achieving the desired level of return relative to the resources committed;
– to Suppliers and Business Partners in order to achieve high levels of contributions and collaboration for the purpose of common growth;
– to Resource Management (financial, infrastructural, human and environmental) in order to ensure effective and ongoing support for the growth and success of the company.
Management has chosen compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and the continuous improvement resulting from its application as the management tool for achieving goals.
The General Management has the primary responsibility for the realization of this goal, the preparation of the Quality Management System and the verification of its adequacy; it will prepare Periodic Reports on the status of the Quality Management System and the effectiveness of the achievement of objectives; it will define new objectives for the next period and the analysis of process-related risks.
The business organization must be committed to the achievement and maintenance of specific goals that, taken together, must determine the achievement of the overall quality strategy.
In this context, it should be regarded as a fundamental means of guiding Botter Elettrotecnica S.r.l. to improve its performance.
Date 08.03.2022
The Management
Andrea Botter